I am training for my first half marathon


The plan for this week was easy: Let’s have 4 running sessions, 2 Pilates and skip strength day because there’s a 10k race on Sunday (I always skip strength day if I have a race on the weekend) that I can use as the long run by running 5k before starting the race (15km run).

Everything worked out except that I skipped the workouts due to a pain in my left leg. The week was not perfect, and that’s fine with me. It was a fun one, and that’s what matters.


40 minutes in progression, starting in Zone 2 and gradually increasing pace until completing 35 minutes.

One hour of Pilates in the evening.


  • 10 minutes at a comfortable pace in Zone 2
  • 10 minutes in Zone 3
  • 10 minutes in zone 4
  • 15 minutes at a comfortable pace in Zone 2


This was going to be a running session day.

One hour of Pilates in the evening.


Long-run day. 5km at 5'50"/km and then a 10k race. Ironically, the race was in the same place I usually train.

I didn’t have any expectations for the 10k race. I ran it without thinking about the time and just enjoying the route, and somehow I managed to run it slightly faster than my previous 10k. 47:34 minutes. Around 20 seconds faster, so I am pleased with the results, and I had no pain at all during the whole day.